Discipleship Tools

Tools that can be used in a one-on-one or group setting to help girls grow deeper in their relationship with God & EACH OTHER


Scripture Memory Tool

The Psalm 139:1-18 Scripture Memory Tool is here!
Scripture Memory is a power-packed practice! This tool includes inspiration and practical tips to help you hide God’s Word in your heart, plus guidance on how to share it with others! You can start with Psalm 139, a powerful passage to remind us that God sees us, and a beautiful truth to share with someone who needs encouragement!

1. Gather: Get the crew together. Review the inspiration and tips!
2. Memorize: Commit to spend the next 4- weeks memorizing Psalm 139:1-18. Use the images provided. Share them with your group
3. Discuss: If you meet weekly, use the optional discussion questions for Psalm 139 or journal your thoughts individually and share them when you meet.
4. Accountability: Text a video of you reciting the passage to your group as inspiration & accountability!

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Pop-Up Bible Study 

Girls long for community and connection! Don't we all?  Imagine growing spiritually with friends through fun and meaningful conversations about God's Word! We've created this Pop-up Bible Study Tool that lets you dive into Scripture anytime, anywhere—at the lunch table, in your favorite coffee shop, or hanging in the park!

How it works:
  1. Get the Gang Together: Start with a friendly invite! “Hey, want to try out this cool new Pop-Up Bible Study tool I just discovered?”
  2. Pick Your Passage: Choose a section of Scripture to explore together.
  3. Dive into Discussion: Use the four engaging questions we’ve provided. Don’t worry if you don’t have a physical Bible—just pull up a Bible app on your phone!
  4. Pro Tip: Set a weekly hangout to work through a book of the Bible, one chapter at a time. Great choices include Ephesians, Galatians, or the Gospel of John.

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The HALO method is a simple go-to for diving into God's Word in a way that transforms and uplifts! It’s all about getting closer to God, growing more Christ-like, and walking out your faith with resilience and courage. Whether you're flying solo or chatting with friends, this method makes Bible study engaging and impactful.

How it works: 
Gear Up: Grab your Bible, favorite journal, and favorite pen.
Pick Your Passage: Choose a chunk of Scripture—1 to 10 verses works perfectly.
Stay Simple: Keep it focused; you don’t need to tackle too much at once.
Take Your Time: Consider journeying through a whole book of the Bible at a steady pace.
HALO it: Work through the HALO acronym as you jot down insights in your journal.
Reflect & Share: Review your notes weekly or bring them to a group for lively discussion.

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Looking for a fun and meaningful way for girls to connect at the school lunch table? We’ve got just the thing! Our Lunch Table Talk Tool is perfect for celebrating victories, navigating tough times, and growing stronger together, while walking out your faith with resilience and courage. Girls are already hanging out at lunch —why not make it a space where you can all grow in faith and friendship? Dive into Table Talk and strengthen your bond! Ladies, don't count yourselves out! This is good for women too!

How it works:
Gather the Gang: Pick 3-5 friends who you want to grow with. Extend a friendly invite like, “Hey, want to check out this awesome new Table Talk tool I found?”
Set a Time: Choose a regular time to meet at the lunch table.
Dive into Table Talk: Share the conversation tips (you’ll find them at the top of the page), work through the questions, and wrap up with prayer.
Commit & Connect: Promise to keep each other accountable, show up every week, and support each other in prayer.

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Whether you are sitting down to spend intentional time with Jesus, or desiring to connect more deeply with Him as you lay your head down after a long day, the "behold" acronym is meant to help you focus your thoughts on Jesus and enjoy His presence. You see it as a simple meditation guide. The more you use it, the more you will train your brain to enter into God's presence more readily and keep your thoughts centered on him, especially in the moments when you need Him most. Print  up this guide and keep it somewhere you can access it readily, like on your night stand, or folded inside your Bible. You can also take a screen shot and save it in an album on your phone titled, "Make Room" (for Jesus). 

A.W.E.S.O.M.E Gift of One Another Printable

Life can get busy, leading us to forget to truly "see others" and take the time to connect meaningfully. If we aren't careful, we can fall into a “one-way road” mindset instead of a “one-another” mindset . The “mind of Christ ” we are called to in Philippians 2:5 is one that leads us into deep community with others. When we seek to bless and encourage the people around us, we experience the AWESOME gift of one another . Each letter in the word AWESOME represents a different “one another” command God has given us. Let’s break it down letter by letter. Try focusing on one letter each week—memorize the corresponding Bible verse, and use journaling to reflect on your growth and opportunities. Ready to explore the AWESOMENESS of connecting with others? Let's go!

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