Brave Conversation Resources

Tools for creating a safe & engaging space for the girls in your life to talk about life and faith


Rejection can sting. Feelings of being overlooked, left out or misunderstood can cut deep and be challenging to move past. Inside each of us is a longing to be truly seen, known, & fully loved. When we do, we have a sense of okay-ness; hard things feel doable because we feel secure in our identity. When our longing to be seen, known, & loved isn’t satisfied, it can lead us to search for it in places that can’t truly fulfill us. We might start behaving destructively or respond to others defensively. In this series, we want women and girls to grasp how Jesus sees them, realizing that He is their “home.” He fully sees them, knows them, and deeply loves them, and He transforms our hearts to see, know, and love others like He does.  


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Girls everywhere are heading back to school! Whether they're buzzing with excitement, feeling a touch of dread, or somewhere in between, the new school year brings a mix of emotions. We want to put a tool in your hand that helps you create a simple yet meaningful back-to-school gathering that sparks conversation and connection. Here's what you'll help girl's explore:

  • The “best of” their summer
  • Things their looking forward to this school year
  • Things they’re nervous about
  • Ways they will prioritize their relationship with God 

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